Energise your morning with Rosemary oil

Need a kick-start in the morning? The fresh and clean aroma of rosemary essential oil can lift your mood and prepare you for a busy day ahead.  Aside from its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, rosemary supports focus and concentration. Its an invigorating and energising essential oil and just the thing for today's stressed-out woman. 

A memory boost 

Rosemary has been well known as a memory enhancer since ancient times. Even Shakespeare praised the benefits of rosemary’s aroma when it comes to cognitive support.   

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.”  Ophelia, in Shakespeare’s Hamlet 

Now research has shown Shakespeare right, with a recent study suggesting rosemary’s scent boosts memory by 15%.  This is good news for those of us who feel more than just a little forgetful.  

Give yourself a lift   

Try some rosemary essential oil straight after your shower in the morning. Dilute the oil by combining a few drops with your favourite moisturiser or body oil to give yourself a much-needed boost in the morning. Take a moment to experience the aroma of rosemary oil in the morning so can really set yourself up for a much better and brighter day.   

Why we love the soft-scented Tasmanian Rosemary oil. 

Our Rosemary oil has been specially cultivated for Tasmania’s cooler growing conditions. It has a chemical profile that is rich in α-pinene and other moleculeswhich are known to support healthy immune and respiratory functions. Its aroma is deeply comforting and less earthy than Rosemary oils produced elsewhere in the world, with some sweet floral notes accentuating the cool alpine elements.  

Our Uplift Facial Oil is infused with Tasmanian Rosemary along with Lavender, Lemon, Geranium and Boronia. Use as a morning ritual to prime and rehydrate for a luminous daily glow.

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